Monday, October 12, 2009

I take offense

I find these Blogger notices offensive.
Whether they are done by robots or humans, as a legitimate user I am offended by the nasty notifications below:

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Here's another nasty notice when I accessed my Blogger admin panel:
Marc My Word
3 Posts, last published on Oct 11, 2009 – View Blog View Blog in New Window
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This blog has been identified as a potential spam blog. Your readers will see a warning page until the blog is reviewed.
This blog will be deleted within 20 days unless you request a review.


Now I want you to tell me, dear technocrats at, what's "irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text"  in my blog posts? Don't your robots or robotic humans understand the Filipino language or what is commonly the Tagalog language?
To "what single site" do you think my "large number of links" are pointing? Is there such a single site? Do you consider Ads by Google spamming? easily brands or labels new weblogs as potential spam blogs (specially if they are created from The Philippines and done by Filipinos, even as Filipinos overseas who number an average 10 million, are living elsewhere in over 100 countries worldwide), but it is taking quite some time to review, decide, realize and mark weblogs as legitimate and nonspam, and therefore, unlock so that real internet freedom may be served well; why and how come?
I want to seek the opinion of the Electronic Frontiers Foundation (EFF), and perhaps, the (IE)'s, too, about the foregoing issues.
Bloggers have rights, as well as responsibilities, I believe. Inadvertent as the mis-labeling or mis-branding may be, but it is really offending the sensibilities of real people who were nurtured in real cultures.

1 comment:

  1. A comment at InternetEvolution, from one Jason with display rank name as Cyborg, who described himself thus: "I have been working in the security field for over 17 years now. I've done security work in the military and in the private sector."

    Re: Filipino Technocrat Takes Offense by Mislabeling of Spams and Nonspams
    Jason_13 Rank: Cyborg
    Monday October 12, 2009 11:52:24 PM

    "Sometimes the poor reliance on technology creates problems such as this.
    Another area is the use of automated filtering to try to detect fraudulent use of credit/debit cards.

    "I know that a filter was tripped recently when one of my cards was being used in California and other in Texas. My other half had been on a trip and was using her card outside of the home state. The system filters did not have the ability to reason this out and decided, for my protection, that further usage should just be denied.

    "It's not like they don't have my number on file. Even the robot software could have called me and told me that if I didn't validate the usage the card would be disabled from use. Nope, I had to find out the hard way after a very nice meal that I couldn't pay for it. Luckily I had an alternate means of payment.

    "Hope it all gets worked out for you."

    Jason_13 ended his profile by saying "I'm currently employed in the retail industry and conduct a wide-range of security tasks.

    "I believe that security is a mindset, and for me a passion. I've worked with policy implementation, system hardening, penetration testing, intrusion detection, incident response, project security reviews, and computer forensics (my ultimate passion)."

    Thank you, Jason. I am praying that I get luckier next time. -Marc


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